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Complementary means first and foremost complementary. With color tones there is always a direct complementary color that is exactly opposite to the other.

With this color tone Pantone 541 it is the complementary color Pantone 7436 C. Both colors form the strongest contrast to each other and are especially recommended for use in direct connection with each other.

If you display a text with its complementary color on a background with the displayed color, you will get a representation that is pleasant to the eyes and clearly too indistinguishable from each other. However, this is especially true for white, black and gray tones. With these, the contrasting colors are particularly natural, pleasant and common for our eyes.

Exposures are based on the same hue and represent lighter versions of the current color Pantone 541. Besides the border colors white and black, almost all colors have lighter versions that can be used optimally in web design

The following lighter shades match the color tone Pantone 541: , , , and

You can use them to modify buttons with mouse-over effects (called :hover in CSS) or to generate other color gradations like gradients.

Shades are based on the same hue and represent a darker version of the current color Pantone 541. In addition to the border colors white and black, almost all colors have shades that can be used optimally in web design.

The following darker shades match the color tone Pantone 541:

Among other things, you can use them to modify buttons with mouse-over effects (called :hover in CSS) or generate other color gradations.

The analog color scheme uses colors that are directly adjacent to each other in the color wheel. They usually fit together well and result in a calm and comfortable design.

Analog color schemes are often found in nature. They are harmonious and pleasant to the eye. It is important that they have enough contrast. Choose one color to dominate and a second to support. The third color is used (together with black, white or grey) as an accent

The monochromatic color scheme uses colors that are on the same wavelength. They usually fit together very well and result in a pleasant and evenly colored design.

Monochromatic color schemes are often found in nature. They are harmonious and calm to the eye

The partial complementary color scheme is a variation of the complementary color scheme. In addition to the base color, the two colors adjacent to the complement are used.

This color scheme has the same strong visual contrast as the complementary color scheme, but is not as contrasting as the direct complementary color. The partial complementary color scheme is a good choice for designs. These colors usually complement each other very well.

A triadic color scheme uses colors evenly spaced around the color wheel. Triadic color harmonies are usually quite vivid, even if pale or unsaturated colors are used.

The colors should be well chosen to achieve triadic harmony. Let one color dominate and use the other two as accent colors.

The rectangular or tetradish color scheme uses four colors arranged in two complementary pairs. This rich color scheme offers many variation possibilities.

It works best if you let one of these colors dominate. You should also pay attention to the balance between warm and cold colors in the design

The square color scheme is similar to the rectangular color scheme, with all four colors evenly distributed around the color circle. The square color scheme works best when one color dominates.

Again, pay attention to the balance between warm and cold colors in the design.


Colors are displayed differently on each device. Please note that the colors do not always match 100%. Differences can occur when real colors are processed. We recommend a comparison of the real colors. We do not assume any liability.

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